Electric Folding Wheelchair Buying Guide

Electric wheelchairs, also known as powerchairs are a great substitute for when a mobility scooter is unsuitable or if the user finds it harder to use a self-propelled wheelchair. Here at Thirdhand Mobility, we have a wide range of folding electric wheelchairs available, and prices can range from only £1000 to £2500.

We have a stock of over 50 electric wheelchairs in our showroom based in Farnham, Surrey for you to try before you buy. A trained member of staff is always there to guide to a folding powerchair that’s comfortable and well suited for your needs.

What separates our Folding Powerchairs?

Indoor electric wheelchairs are mainly used to navigate around the house. They tend to be more compact than the larger outdoor chairs. They have a lower ground clearance which keeps them stable and safe. Indoor powerchairs can be occasionally used for short outdoor trips for as long as the ground is even. A great example of our indoor electric wheelchair is the JBH Compact Elite.

Outdoor powerchairs are generally larger and feel more comfortable due to more suspension features. They usually have excellent range, larger wheels and more powerful motors. All our outdoor wheelchairs also perform very well indoors due to their narrow width and small turning radius.

Battery Size

When buying a foldable electric wheelchair, it’s very important that you are aware of the battery size and the range to expect from it. Our battery sizes range from 6Ah to 24Ah. Generally, the bigger the size the more miles you get from it. All our foldable powerchairs are equipped with lithium-ion batteries which are incredibly lightweight and durable. Having a powerchair with detachable batteries can help you in many ways when it comes to your wheelchair use, removing the batteries from the wheelchair can reduce its weight thereby making it lighter for transportation.

Wheelchair Capacity

It is critical that you choose a powerchair that suits your weight as this can affect the functionality and performance of the wheelchair. In our wide range of folding electric wheelchairs, we have ones that can take up to 25 St without losing any ability to perform well on the road. Our JBH Superior X is very popular for taking on the most weight.

Storage of your powerchair

Storing a powerchair is an important consideration – they should ideally be kept indoors at room temperature. Storing them outdoors will reduce their lifespan, and batteries do not cope well with cold temperatures or excessive heat. Make sure that you have somewhere indoors to store and charge the powerchair, and that it is able to get into your property.


It might not seem important right now, but buying insurance for your wheelchair could mean the difference between paying an excess towards services, or paying a lot more than that if your wheelchair encounters a problem beyond its warranty.