Riser Recliner Buying Guide

How do Riser recliners work?

A riser recliner chair is designed to make your life that little bit easier in helping to keep you independent. As we age, weakness can happen without warning and having a lift chair can massively help an elderly person in and out of their chair. The less strain an elderly person put on everyday activities, the longer their muscles will work making it easier to have a better quality of life for much longer.

What to look for when Buying a Riser Recliner

Lift chairs have substantial benefits to the elderly and disabled people, but they are not all exactly alike. Riser recliner chairs come in a range of different styles and finishes to suit all budgets and mobility requirements. Lift chairs can have massage and heat functions, left and right control remotes, additional storage for necessities, cup holders, snack trays, lumbar pillow supports, and more, so be sure to ask about all the features before settling on what is the right choice for your needs.

What is the different between Dual and Sigle Motor Riser Chair?

The primary difference between a single riser recliner and a dual motor system comes down to basic functionality. Single motor riser recliners feature a simple hand control with two buttons- up and down. Unlike single motor, our dual motor riser recliners are supplied with a four-button hand control – up and down button for the footrest and backrest. Each connected to their own individual motor, the backrest and footrest can be adjusted individually to give you that extra freedom and independence on what position best suits you. Once the backrest has returned to its normal place, use the backrest up button to raise you to a standing position.

Do Electric Recliners Use a lot of electricity?

No. Riser recliners only use electricity when using electric functions. A chair that has massage or heating ability will use more electricity, but generally you can plug them into a standard home outlet without significant drain on your energy usage.