Help & Support

Mobility Scooters

  • What is a mobility scooter and how does it work?
    A mobility scooter is an electrically powered mobility aid that is designed to provide independent mobility to individuals with limited mobility or physical disabilities. The scooter works by using a rechargeable battery that powers an electric motor which turns the wheels on the scooter. The user can control the speed and direction of the scooter using a control panel.
  • Are mobility scooters safe to use?
    Yes, mobility scooters are generally considered safe to use, as long as they are operated correctly and carefully. Users should take proper safety precautions such as wearing a helmet, following traffic laws, and avoiding hazardous terrain. Scooters should also be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they are in proper working order.
  • Do I need a license to operate a mobility scooter?
    In the UK, you do not need a license to operate a mobility scooter, as long as it is not capable of travelling faster than 4mph on the road or 8mph on the pavement. However, you do have to register your mobility scooter with the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency), and display a tax disc. You can do this online or by post. The application will require some personal details, including your name, address, and the make and model of your mobility scooter.

    To use your mobility scooter safely, you should always try to use the pavement, and when you need to cross the road or use a pedestrian crossing, take care to ensure that it is safe to do so. Although it's not required by law, it's a good idea to consider taking some training to help you learn how to use your mobility scooter safely, and how to avoid potential hazards such as uneven pavements, steep hills or curbs.

    Overall, if you feel confident in your ability to use a mobility scooter safely and follow the guidelines provided by the DVLA, then you should be able to enjoy the freedom and independence that it can offer you.
  • How far can a mobility scooter travel on a single charge?
    The exact distance a mobility scooter can travel on a single charge can vary based on factors such as the model of the scooter, battery capacity, terrain, and weight of the user. Many scooters can travel up to 10-20 miles on a single charge.
  • How much does a mobility scooter cost?
    The cost of a mobility scooter can vary widely based on the features, size, and brand of the scooter. Basic models can range from £500-£1000, while more advanced models can cost several thousand dollars. Medicare may cover some or all expenses for seniors with a medical need.


  • What is a powerchair?
    A powerchair is a motorized wheelchair that is designed to be driven by a battery-powered motor rather than manually pushing the wheels.
  • Who can use a powerchair?
    Powerchairs are generally recommended for individuals who have limited mobility or strength, including those with neurological conditions, spinal cord injuries, and chronic pain.
  • What types of powerchairs are available?
    There are many different types of powerchairs available, including those designed for indoor or outdoor use, those with different seat sizes and shapes, and those with different kinds of tires to suit various terrains.
  • How do I choose the right powerchair for me?
    Choosing the right powerchair will depend on a variety of factors, including your specific mobility needs, lifestyle, and budget. Working with a qualified mobility equipment supplier or occupational therapist can help you make the best decisions.
  • Will my insurance cover the cost of a powerchair?
    In the UK, some insurance policies or government programs may cover the cost of a powerchair, but this will depend on your individual circumstances. It is important to check with your insurer or program to determine your coverage options.

Manual Wheelchairs

Riser Recliners

  • What is a riser recliner and how does it work?
    A riser recliner is a type of armchair that can be adjusted to recline at different angles and lift the user up to a standing position. It operates by using a motorized mechanism that controls the reclining and rising functions using a remote control.
  • Who can benefit from using a riser recliner?
    Riser recliners are ideal for people with mobility issues or physical disabilities, as they provide additional support and help them stand up and sit down with ease. They can also be used by people looking for a more comfortable seating option, including those recovering from surgery or dealing with chronic pain.
  • What types of riser recliners are available?
    There are various types of riser recliners available, including single motor, dual motor, and wall-hugger models. Single motor recliners recline and lift the leg rest and backrest together, while dual motor models offer independent control over the backrest and footrest. Wall-hugger recliners are designed to recline without taking up too much space.
  • What features should I look for when purchasing a riser recliner?
    Important features to consider include size and weight capacity, upholstery material, reclining angle, and lift mechanism. Other features to look for include heated or vibrating massage functions, built-in USB ports, and multiple reclining positions.
  • How can I maintain my riser recliner?
    To maintain your riser recliner, it's essential to clean it regularly using mild detergent and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the upholstery. Keeping the moving parts lubricated can also prolong the life of the recliner.


  • What is a rollator and how does it differ from a walker?
    A rollator is a four-wheeled mobility aid that typically includes a seat, backrest, and brakes. Unlike walkers, which require users to lift and advance the device with each step, rollators utilize wheels for more smooth and effortless movement.
  • How do I choose the right size of the rollator for me?
    Choosing the right rollator size depends on your height and weight. Most manufacturers offer size charts that can be used to ensure that the rollator fits comfortably and is safe to use. Generally, it is recommended to choose a rollator with adjustable height and weight capacity to accommodate changes and growth.
  • How do I use the brakes on my rollator?
    Rollators commonly feature brakes on the handlebars, which can be easily squeezed to slow or stop the device. Some rollators also include parking brakes that can be used to temporarily hold the device in place.
  • How do I maintain my rollator?
    To keep your rollator functioning properly, it is essential to check and maintain brakes, wheels, and other moving parts. Routine cleaning and lubrication can also help prevent rust and corrosion.
  • Can I take my rollator on planes or trains?
    Most airlines and trains allow passengers to bring mobility devices like rollators with them, but it is important to verify specific policies and requirements with your provider before traveling. Additionally, it is recommended to label your rollator with identification information to prevent loss or confusion.

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